Friday, September 26, 2008

Another Update is all I can offer.

This will be another quick post! I am so behind with homework and I teach a 4th grade class next week! I am excited but also nervous!
I cut my hair again because I didn't really like the other do, so now it is short in the back and longer around my face. (I know they have a name for it, but I don't know it.)
Last weekend Caleb and I went looking for houses with our realtor for the first time. We found one that I fell INLOVE with! My parents will be driving through town tomorrow to see it and I hope they approve! I finally talked Caleb into LOVING it too!! So I think we are really really serious about this home and will probably be in it before Christmas or maybe even Halloween! Yay!!!

I wish I had a picture of this one... but the other night we were putting Daisy in the bath. I got her undressed before Caleb got the bath filled. So she ran over to the bathtub excited like always to jump right in. Well, instead of Caleb just putting her right in, he walked towards me talk about how cute she looked leaning over the bathtub waiting to get in. Well, when he looked over at her the second time while talking about how cute she is...he starts yelling "SHE'S PEEING!! SHE'S PEEING!!" and runs over to her and grabs our bathroom rug! I start laughing that he runs and saves his RUG instead of just hurrying and putting Daisy in the TUB!! I really was about to pee my pants when we both looked back at Daisy and she starts to slips in her pee the first time. Then she catches herself and then slips again! By this point Caleb can't even get me to breath or for that matter help him catch her!! Finally Daisy just Slips FLAT ON HER BACK!! Oh the poor thing!! She was just laying in her own pee!! Hahahahahah!! I still can't get over it!!

I will get pictures soon.
Sorry for another quick wrap up!


Potters said...

I love the house :) I hope you end up getting it. And that is pretty funny about Daisy.

Andrea Marie said...

Cute house! I can't wait to see your house when you're all moved in! I don't think I'll make it down to Cedar on my trip to Utah. I don't have very much time there and my mom and I have a lot of things planned already. Isn't it your turn to visit us though?! You guys should come to Washington!!

Kellie and Stephen said...

How awesome that you've already found a house that you love. Hope it all works out! Before Halloween, how exciting would that be? Nice one Caleb for trying to save the rug instead of putting Daisy in the tub :)

Liz Prisbrey said...

hahahaha.... I so love that story about Daisy! I wish you had pictures! I can visualize all of it! Great detail!

Love the house! I really hope you guys are able to get it. And before Christmas, that would be awesome!

Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

How exciting! I have to admit i'm jealous! I'm afraid we'll be in a town home or apartment for a very long time! I hope you do get the home. Thats a fun "next step" in life! Miss you guys! Good luck're going to do great!

Anonymous said...

I am really excited for tonight. Can't wait to see you guys, haven't talked to ya for a while. Did you ever decide and get a house? Also, we love that game playground so much we went and bought it. Thanks again for that fun and yummy sunday dinner!