Caleb used to swim in High School and Daisy just loves to wear his swimming goggles. Haha....It's worth watching....I promise! (Even just to see how cute/dorky of a husband I married! He will do anything to make his two girls Happy!! You've just gotta love him!)
Daisy is totally her Mommy and Daddy's kid. Poor thing got stuck with our dancing abilities! :0)
If you know my husband...I know this video had to have made you smile! :0) Isn't he the best!?
After the video the two worked hard to put Daisy new BIG-GIRL-BED together. (This of course was a couple of months ago...So, now she sleeps in her big-girl-bed all the time and even through the night.) Last week or so we finally moved the crib over to the new baby's room. I think Daisy knows something is starting to realize something is up. :)

Haha. Funny. Emmalee loved watching Daisy in the video. When she got her new bed, she also had to "help" Daddy put it up. They are so much alike.
Gotta love the dancing!! :) Daisy is so cute!
hahahahahahaaaa...... that was great!!! I've decided Caleb and the guy in the Whole Nine Yards are one in the same! My favorite video ever. Does he know you posted that??
What a cute video! Funny! Daisy is so darn cute!
Brad Fallon
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