Here are just a few pictures of the new furniture and set up of our rooms. Not much has changed but I totally loooove our front room! Every time I walk by it I just have to look in. I was telling Caleb last night that it kind of makes me feel like we are a little bit out of that poor college stage (even though we are still totally poor)! Haha... Anyway I like them both a lot!! We watched our first movie last night and because I wasn't use to watching TV so high up on the wall I had to lay down. But it was still fun and exciting to think this nice piece of furniture is ours!! Yes!! (Thanks Chuck and Diane again!)
Also, this thing is sooo nice because it hides away all of Calebs toys (video games, Wii, Guitar Hero, etc.)and it even holds all of Daisy toys in one cabinet. However, it's not the best thing for DVD's. We thought for sure we would be able to fit the DVDs in the drawers but they don't fit! Sooooo, if any of you have seen or know where we can get a shelf thingy for lots of DVDs and that has doors on it let us know! Because yesterday was the best!! This thing hides away everything from Daisy and she hasn't figured out how to open it so I didn't have to do as much yelling or cleaning up!! It was waaay nice! Now if I can just find a DVD case and make Caleb happy and still keep me happy that would be great!! Let me know if you have any ideas!
P.s. I just got Breaking Dawn yesterday...except it might take me forever to read with Daisy and School starting soon. But wish me luck!
those are way nice! congrats on free furniture!
Sweet set up! That is some way nice furniture. It's nice to pretend sometimes that we aren't as poor as we are! haha ;) Pretend you aren't poor and come visit me in Washington!!
Very nice! I can't wait until I can come and visit :)
Very nice! When the heck did you do all this posting?? I swear I just looked at your blog. Anyway, if school is getting ready to start, then Breaking Dawn should be finished before then. Get to it! :-)
Heyyyy, nice digs!!! It's always fun to get new stuff, hand-me-downs or not. Besides, if it's from Chuck & Diane it's basically brand new anyway! They keep everything super nice. Good luck with Breaking Dawn AND school starting. I haven't even started the book yet since I know I'll be holed up reading for a few days straight once I start it. Tell Caleb it was nice talking to him today...and tell him that US Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps reminds me of Caleb. Don't know why. But that's a compliment!
Your living room looks so nice now. And yes the added benefit of having a place to hide all the toys, dvds, wii, etc. is the best part. I'm like you - I hate to see my clutter crap out everywhere. Enjoy it while Daisy can't open the cabinet because that won't last long.
Looks great :) How did you get the little counter on your blog that counts how many people visit your site?
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