Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Play Date?

When Caleb and I first got married we decided that we didn't want to attend a college university ward. We thought there would be too many clicks and we wouldn't get along with anyone. A year after attending a family ward the members were still asking us to stand up and introduce ourselves since they 'thought' we were new to the ward. (Let me remind you, this was a ward where the members were newly married or nearly dead.) :) Anyway, Caleb and I gave up with that ward and decided to "try" the college university wards. BUT before we did we came across the Ensign for January '08. There was an article in it called Making Every Ward Your Family (I think) ....Anyway... We decided to take the challenge of the article and actually put ourselves out there to meet people. And we did! However, that week at church they had combined wards for the New Year holiday ...So everyone we had met the week before was from the other ward.
Well, the point of this story is that I love our new ward!! It is the best and the members are so welcoming! It really almost makes me wish we had attended university wards sooner. But at the same time...attending the family ward really makes us appreciate this ward a lot more!

HOWEVER! Attending a university ward where couples are deciding what, when, and where they will go for their future careers SUCKS! I met a freaken awesome girl in this ward named Jamie. She has a little girl a bit older than Daisy, but the two of them get along great, along with Jamie and I! But of course, now that the two of us are really close and talk about the things that all mommy's and wives talk about, such as kids and sex. She is now moving in two weeks!! One of which she will not be in town! I am so mad!! I liked her too!! I freakin' really wanted to keep playing with her! She's taught me so much!! For example, I can't cook for the life of me! Believe me. I have "tired." Over and over again. But Jamie walked me step through step on how to make a roast, and I did It! (for Fathers Day!) . She even taught me how to make a book for Caleb, and just calls me and makes me feel important!Ahhh... This just sucks!!
Last month we even went to Vegas together, a week or so ago we took our kids out back to swim, and this morning she showed me that our public library readers to babies and toodlers in the morning! It was fun too and we could've made it a fun activity to do with are kids every morning. ....But Nooooo!! She has to go and move. Now who am I going to play Mommy's with?

1 comment:

Liz Prisbrey said...

:0) I love it! I think I have finally found a totally honest blog! So fun. Hey, now you will have a friend to go visit. That's fun too.